Friday, December 27, 2019
Effects Of Bipolar Disorder On Young Adults Essay
Bipolar is a debilitating disorder that is usually diagnosed in young adults. It is marked by alternating periods of unusually elevated mood and depression. The effects of bipolar disorder on young adults is well researched due to the fact that the average age of onset is around twenty-five years old, however it can be diagnosed at any age. In addition to living with the disorder, older adults with bipolar must also experience both the physical and mental consequences of the aging process. It is important to understand the disorder through the experiences of the older population in order to improve coping techniques and possible treatments for those who may find themselves struggling in the future. The rate of late in life bipolar is becoming an increasingly significant issue. Bipolar individuals over the age of eighteen account for about 2.6% of the U.S. population, amounting to about 5.7 million bipolar Americans (Bipolar Disorder Among Adults). Studies have stated that approximat ely 10% of bipolar cases are diagnosed after age fifty (Yassa, Nair, Iskandar, 1988). This means that about 570,000 Americans are being diagnosed with bipolar disorder after the age of fifty. This number still does not account for people over fifty who were diagnosed with bipolar disorder earlier in life. Also, due to possible cases of misdiagnosis, the real population of older adults with bipolar disorder could be much higher. Yet, there is still a lack of information available to help thisShow MoreRelatedYoung Adults With Bipolar Disorders1171 Words  | 5 Pages Young Adults with Bipolar Disorders Anjana Muralidharan Emory University School of Medicine â€Æ' Abstract In this study researchers investigated and sample many young adult’s ages (18-40 yrs.) with bipolar disorders found them to associate with Behavioral Approach System (BAS). The Behavioral Approach System (BAS) dysregulation including emotional reactivity to negative feedback and schemas and self-criticism/perfectionism. There were twenty- two young adults with bipolar I disorder and 22 matchedRead MoreEarly Onset Of The Disorder952 Words  | 4 Pages Bipolar, or manic-depression, is a mood disorder that is typically diagnosed during mid teenage years to early adulthood. Many people believe that mid teen years are the earliest a diagnosis can be made, however the disorder can be diagnosed in early childhood. Early onset of the disorder is often much more severe, and is harder to treat. The possible causes for early onset are similar to those of late onset. Symptoms are also similar, however those in early onset can be more serious. DiagnosisRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Its Effects On The Human Mind987 Words  | 4 Pages Bipolar Disorder is a mental illness that has many effects on the human body and mind. It’s found in young adults and children as well. Statistics show that the disorder affects about four million people in the United States and is becoming one of the most common disabilities in the United States today. People with bipolar disorder undergo two types of mood swings: depression and mania. Those two are then divided into subcategories: Bipolar 1 Disorder, Bipolar 2 Disorder, and Cylothymia. This paperRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Its Effects On Children1247 Words  | 5 Pagesfrom Bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder or manic-depressive illness is a brain disorder that can affect one’s mood and ability to complete tasks. Bipolar disorder in children is under studied for many reasons. These include, lack of awareness and the difference in the disease seen in adults and children that can make it difficult to continue st udies. Bipolar disorder has not been well studied despite harmful effects on growth and development in a child. As the child grows up, bipolar disorder mayRead MoreBipolar Disorder : A Serious Mental Condition1174 Words  | 5 Pages Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder (BPD) is known to be a serious mental condition. Bipolar disorder is also classified as manic-depressive disorder. It is characterized as malfunction with the brain by mood changes that includes a persistent increasing activity or energy levels. This serious condition is first diagnosed in young adults or adolescence. Diagnosis Bipolar disease is first diagnosed in young adulthood or adolescence. Diagnosis is said to be obvious, when the patient is showing floridRead MoreBipolar Disorder : A Psychological Disorder1293 Words  | 6 Pages Bipolar disorder is a psychological disorder in which a person alternates between being depressed to extremely happy and being cross or irritable. Bipolar disorder is also known manic-depressive illness. Bipolar disorder can cause shifts in energy, mood and activity level. 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The reason I chose to do my paper on Bipolar disorder is because it is a serious mental illness. Those with bipolar disorder often describe their experience as an emotional roller coaster. Going up and down between strong emotions can keep a person from having anything approaching a normal life. The emotions of a persons’ behavior with bipolar disorder experience as beyond ones control. This condition is exhausting not only forRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder1572 Words  | 7 Pages Introduction Bipolar disorder has had a large history full of misunderstandings, wrongful treatments and stigma surrounding the illness. Bipolar, formerly called manic depression causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania) and lows (depression). (Mayo 1998) When you become depressed you may feel sad, vulnerable and anxious. When you experience mania you will become overly joyful or full of energy, making the crash back to depression that much harder. According to A ShortRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Its Effects1175 Words  | 5 Pagesthe multitude of forms it will take. Bipolar disorder affects roughly 2.3 million adults, age eighteen and over per year. (â€Å"Bipolar Disorder†2) Generally seventy-five percent have a minimum of one kin relative with manic-depression or severe depression (â€Å"Possible Causes of Bipolar Disorder†2). Both male and female can attain bipolar disorder. Some youth may get bipolar disorder; however, most cases usually strike young adults in their early 20s. Bipolar disorder is generally common among those who
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
History Jefferson s Dilemma - 1235 Words
Lesli Neyland History 1301 Jefferson’s Dilemma On December 20, 1803, America as colonists knew it would forever be changed in an event that would be remembered in history for framing the way we acquire lands in America through our constitution. The Louisiana Purchase was the first real eye-opener to Americans on how our constitution should be interpreted. Thomas Jefferson, the president at the time, had to make an executive decision that would change lives greatly, whether the outcome good or bad. Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation of the constitution, but in order to make this deal he was going to have to stretch his beliefs a substantial amount. The other people who believe that the constitution should be followed down to the last comma no matter the circumstances, did not see eye to eye with Jefferson’s decision. I am on Jefferson’s side of the debate and believe that his decision was for the greater good of the American people. Thomas Jefferson already had intentions on buying New Orleans from France because it was one of the most important shipping ports and it was also located at the mouth of the Mississippi. The United States was worried that if France kept hold of New Orleans they would soon dominate the river ports and seek access to the Gulf of Mexico. Jefferson stated that â€Å"The day that France takes possession of New Orleans†¦we must marry ourselves to the British fleet and nation.†He did not think that they could hold up against France if theyShow MoreRelatedThomas Jefferson s Dilemma On The Louisiana Purchase1065 Words  | 5 PagesGabriel Quarcoo Mr. D Nesmith History 1301.06 October 24th, 2014 Thomas Jefferson’s Dilemma on the Louisiana Purchase In our day, we consider the boarders of the United States impenetrable and inevitable. We tend to forget that the nation started off as a little country which consisted of 13 states, occupying the Atlantic Seaboard, which is only is small portion of what it is now. The county before the 1803 depended on its resources for agriculture, mining and logging. The need for more land forRead MoreThe Louisiana Purchase Shaped America988 Words  | 4 Pages Thomas Jefferson a leader of the Republican Party had long imagined an empire of Liberty that would span â€Å"North America.†(, 2014) Thomas Jefferson probably never knew beforehand that acquiring that empire would require a great deal of strain that would test his ability to make America great. Jefferson wanted America to be great and he knew that in order to do that he had to somehow act in the best interest of America to acquire Louisiana. In the midst of acquiring Louisiana JeffersonRead MoreDiffering Perspectives on Hope in Start Where You Are by Chodron and a Letter from Thomas Jefferson848 Words  | 4 PagesBuddhist nun, one can only be successful if they give up all hope of succeeding. In her article, â€Å"Start Where You Are†, Chodron shares her perspective on Buddhism and how giving up hope is the solution to all problems. On the other hand, Thomas Jefferson advocates hope by persuading his nephew in a letter to always strive to become bet ter. These two authors provide readers with two very different views on how one could live an exceeding life. In the article, â€Å"Start Where You Are†, Pema Chodron statesRead MoreDavid Sehat s The Jefferson Rule Essay1697 Words  | 7 PagesIn The Jefferson Rule, David Sehat outlines the history of American politics and provides exceptional insight on the government from the Founder’s points of view. 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The Louisiana Purchase was one of the most influential events in American history because it helped not only double the size of the US in the early 1800s, but also helped the United States’Read MoreEssay about A Rose For Emily1284 Words  | 6 Pagesa note on paper of an archaic shape, in a thin, flowing calligraphy in faded ink, to the effect thats he no longer went out at all. The tax notice was enclosed, without comment.quot; (189). Miss Emily was convinced that she had no taxes in Jefferson because before the Civil War the South didnt have to pay taxes and since her father had made a contribution to the town of a generous amount, Colonel Sartoris, mayor at that time had remitted her taxes, she felt that that promise or rather giftRead MoreRacial Discrimination And Related Treatment Of African Americans Essay1735 Words  | 7 Pagesrooted in American culture. In fact, it can be traced to the Founding Fathers. As history tells us, two of the most famous Founding Fathers owned slaves, and it goes without saying that for one to justify another’s enslavementâ€â€as did wealthy American colonialsâ€â€that person would have to hold to the belief that the slave is by definition, and inferior being. Our first and third presidents: George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were slave owners and their treatment of African Americans is well documentedRead MoreBook Report Meaning of Independence Essay812 Words  | 4 Pagesimportant men namely john Adams, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who were the first to seek independence for themselves and their country people. This is a beautiful book is written by Edmund S. Morgan in 1976. Who was also the writer of popular bo oks such as Benjamin Franklin (2002) , Inventing the People: The Rise of Popular Sovereignty in England and America (1988), which won Columbia Universitys Bancroft Prize in American History in 1989, and American Slavery, American Freedom (1975), whichRead MoreDevelopments in American History Over Four Centuries Essay1111 Words  | 5 PagesThis essay will discuss five significant developments in American History from discovery until 1877. They are as follows: The American Revolution (1775-1783), the signing of the Declaration of Independence (1776), the Ratification of the Constitution (1787), the Louisiana Purchase (1803), and the Civil War (1861-1865). Though American history has experienced many developments over the years, it is the firm belief of the author that these five developments were instrumental in propelling thirteenRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence And The Constitution1430 Words  | 6 PagesChristy Cline History Professor Felix When the founding fathers wrote the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, they wrote them with the future in mind. In the newspaper and TV headlines today, many of the topics in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are even more relevant and hotly debated today than back then. But they each have a different purpose and handle many topics differently. This essay will compare the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution in three
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material
Question: Discuss about the Identifying and Assessing the Risks ofMaterial Misstatement throughUnderstanding the Entity and ItsEnvironment. Answer: The Company Altos Metal Limited is a public limited company listed in Securities Exchange of Australia under the name of Enterprise Union Limited. The primary target for exploration for the company was uranium in 2012 and 2013. Later the focus of the company shifted to advanced gold. The company (then Enterprise Uranium Limited) completed the acquisition of Sandstone Gold Project by June 2016 and renamed the combined entity as Altos Metal Limited. The company is currently operating with the primary objective of discovering or acquiring projects which can provide plus million ounce of gold deposit which will ultimately contribute to the wealth maximization objective of the shareholder, The Industry The mining industry had been pertinent to the growth of the Australian economy through its significant economic and social contribution. Mining industry is responsible for the 40% of the exports and 8% of the Australian economy. The country is currently the market leader for the export of mining equipment, service and technology. The Australian mining industry has been thriving to cater the demand arising from part of China and Asia. (Livesley, 2010) Ore Reserve and Mineral Resource Reporting and the JORC Code JORC Code or the Australian Code for Reporting of exploration result, mineral resources and or reserves is used by the mining industry of Australia for reporting in their annual report. The code is applicable when used in context of solid minerals starting from diamond, gemstones and coal. Apart from the JORC Code, ASX listing rule is also applicable to companies which are listed with ASX. 1.Disclosure of exploration results The code directs mandatory requirements of disclosure of information regarding drill hole and intercept which should further be classified into easting, northing, elevation, dip, down-hole depth and width. This is specially done when drilling operations involving exploration results are reported in the market. 2.Disclosure of exploration targets It is mandatory for the companies to declare their exploration target along with its other priorities and give an account of the expenditure and investment involved in exploration of new project. 3.Defining the level of study for declaration of maiden ore reserve Maiden ore reserve declaration should be supported by a completion of minimum level of preliminary feasibility study. The code further directed on adapting the definition of preliminary feasibility study and feasibility study as suggested by the Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards (CRIRSCO). 4.Disclosure of Production Targets This code deals with the need to reports the production targets along with the financial information which has been used in the process of forecasting. The ASX paper gave three options which could be used for improving the disclosure requirement of production targets. Option 1 suggests that disclosure be prohibited for production targets on the basis of exploration target solely. This applies for company who has been holding reserves and mineral resources as per the requirement of the JORC Code. The second option suggests that prohibition be imposed on production targets disclosure on the basis of targets obtained partially from exploration. The third option suggests prohibition on the basis of inferred mineral resources solely. The most preferred option is ideally the first option which gives the independence to the company on a reasonable basis to decide on the disclosure requirement of the production targets considering the obligation of Corporations Act 2001. 5.Reconciliation and annual reporting of mineral resources and ore reserves The code directs reporting in the annual report or reporting separately in some other statement about the annual review document on mineral resources and ore reserves. Further it is suggested to disclose in the statement the total aggregate of ore reserves and mineral resources with the company on the date of preparing the balance sheet. (JORC, 2012) Some of the noted changes in the standard which didnt have any impact on the financial statement are AASB 2014 -1 (Part E: Financial Instruments) amendment Amendment to accounting standard relating to the Conceptual Framework, Materiality and Financial Instrument Business Risk 1.Cash Optimization The volatile market of mining and metal has allowed little space for the companies to determine the demand and set pricing strategy accordingly. The companies through judicious cost reduction methods actually work on making a balance between liquidity and long term plan. 2.Productivity Peak season at mines means relentless pursuit of volume. This often has lead to mining over large areas with operation inefficiency and connectivity issues creeping in. The only solution is to streamline the asset as a business system and focus on quality manpower. 3.Capital Access Considering the volatility in the sector banks are willing to lend on a long term basis leading to shortage of capital in this sector. This has further led to options re garding realignment of portfolio and alternative source of finance. 4.Social Image The apathy of the company toward the employees leading to accidents, diseases and absence of rehabilitation packages has dented the image of this sector. Considering the long term vision of the company, there is a need for harmonious relationship with the community in which they are operating. 5.Innovation Innovation which pushes productivity has generally been neglected while focusing only on short term profitability. Innovation itself provides competitive advantage in terms of increase in productivity at the existing cost. (Ey, 2017) Overview of the material misstatement of financial statements According to ASA 315, the objective of the audit is to identify the material misstatement in level of financial statements and assertion level for account balances caused by fraud or unintentional error along with the assessing of the risk. In order to understand the risk from the misstatement one needs to understand the entity along with the environment, internal control of the entity and the understanding of relevant control. When a risk has been identified requiring significant consideration the auditor needs to decide whether the risk is a fraud, whether it is relevant to current economic accounting, what are the complexities involved in transaction, the level of subjectivity present in the financial data and whether risk arises from any unusual transactions. (, 2017) Some of the assertions involves are: Classification: Whether the transactions are posted in the correct account. Existence: Whether the asset, liability or equity actually exist. Accuracy: Whether the amount recorded is accurate. Rights and Obligation: Whether the balances possess exclusive right of the company Valuation: Whether the valuations are accurate. Presentation and disclosure: Whether the balances and transactions are disclosed appropriately. (CPA, 2017) According to ASA 315, understanding of the business performance of the company is important since poor performance often leads to attempt of misstatement. Performance of the business can be judged through analysis of key ratio, trends, statistics of operation, budget, forecast, analysis of performance and its business scenario with reference to its competitors. (Auditing Standard ASA 315, 2017) Refrences Auditing Standard ASA 315. (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Apr. 2017]. Bansal, S. (2012). Auditing and Assurance. 10th ed. New Delhi: Bestword Publishers. CPA (2017). Overview of audits and reviews of financial statements. [online] CPA Australia. Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017]. Ey. (2017). Business risks facing mining and metals 2016-2017. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Apr. 2017]. JORC (2012). Reserves and Resources Disclosure Rules for Mining and Oil Gas Companies. [online] Australian Securities Exchange. Available at: [Accessed 18 Apr. 2017]. (2017). ASA 315 - Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement through Understanding the Entity and Its Environment - October 2009. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Apr. 2017]. Livesley, K. (2010). Mining: The Regulation of Exploration Extraction: - Energy and Natural Resources - Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Apr. 2017].
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Capture of Walter Schnaffs free essay sample
(i) What impression of Walter Schnaffs do you get from reading this passage? The main character in this passage leaves the impression of a intelligent, family oriented and inactive individual. Walter Schnaffs first strikes me as a man who is generally led by his thoughts. Even though there are times when he may be swayed by his emotions his actions are still overruled by his mind. This suggestion is reinforced by the fact that even though he was â€Å"passionately fond of†his wife and children and yearned to be back with them he could â€Å"banish from his mind†what â€Å"dangers that lay before them if he were killed†. This soldier appears to be family oriented because during his service in the army, he recollects his close affiliations that he has shared with them, such as â€Å"affectionate attentions and kisses†that he misses and thinks about â€Å"every evening†. He is also â€Å"passionately fond of†his children as he prides himself in being their father because of the way the author describes his parenthood, â€Å"he is the father of four children†. We will write a custom essay sample on The Capture of Walter Schnaffs or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He does not resemble the typical male stereotype where they tend to have an innate sense that aids them in fighting. He complains that he â€Å"had difficulty marching†and â€Å"his knees always felt so weak that he would have collapsed†when the fighting commenced. He does not seem to have a liking for violence and is even uncomfortable when shots ring out, â€Å"his hair stood on end when he heard the ping of bullets†. (ii) How does the writer convey Walter Schnaffs’ fear in this extract? Remember to support your answer with evidence from the story. Generally the author plays around the element of uncertainty to convey Walter Schnaff’s trepidation. Fear is conveyed through the imagery, â€Å"heavy burst of fire†, this stimulates an environment that Walter is unable to escape from being shot. The senseless shooting that results in â€Å" killing or wounding a score of †his fellow men. The author’s comparing two subjects through the use of similes also successfully induce terror â€Å"he ran like a tortoise in comparison with the lea Frenchmen, who were †¦ leaping like a herd of goats†. The repetitive rhetorical questioning that the author uses such as â€Å"Who would support them and bring them up? †and â€Å"Where were they? †reflect what Walter is thinking about. The unanswered questions reveal the unsettled mind of his. When one’s mind that is entertaining wild ideas, it shows the fear that he has because when one is frightened they tend to think of all frightful possible situations.
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